


Voluptatem deleniti similique voluptate ut voluptates suscipit tenetur. Quam vel sed consequuntur qui et nisi minus quas. Voluptatem sunt assumenda doloremque. Vel soluta blanditiis natus rerum nemo. Laborum eos nam ducimus facilis. Voluptatem deleniti similique voluptate ut voluptates suscipit tenetur. Quam vel sed consequuntur qui et nisi minus quas. Voluptatem sunt assumenda doloremque. Vel soluta blanditiis natus rerum nemo. Laborum eos nam ducimus facilis.

What is your favourite thing to do in Niseko?

Honestly one of the best things is just wandering around and taking in all the sights. The beautiful nature, unique landscape and the amount of snow that falls creates a magical landscape.

What do you like best about your role?

My role was varied, and it was great to have so much variety marketing each of the brands to an international audience. No two days were the same.

What is one piece of advice you would give to people wanting to come to Niseko?

Don't pack as light as I did - it is COLD and if you're tossing up whether bringing an extra layer - you can never have too many.

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